Hey there! Connect your wallet so we can check if you have any upgradeable songs!
Not sure what this is about? Read on below.
So, you have an S.A.D NFT from Year 1 or 2. That 's amazing! Thanks to you, the rest of this project, from this website to the DAO, has been able to be built.
Now it 's time to “upgrade” those old NFTs, which were minted on OpenSea 's shared storefront contract. It was a necessary step but less than ideal. When you hit upgrade, you 'll be burning those old tokens to get a new one that 's on S.A.D 's brand new, custom contract! Woot!
Eventually, the custom token will be the only one that works in the DAO. There will be a grace period, but no time like the present, right? Let 's get those tokens upgraded!
Song A Day World, Song A Day, and SongADAO © Copyright 2024 Jonathan Mann & SongADAO LCA
Content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.